J.U.S.T. Entrypoint



This is the default entrypoint for J.U.S.T. projects. By default, the docker entrypoint runs as root, which can introduce a number of obstacles and undesired side effects. Hard coding user information into images is slow and limited. just_entrypoint.sh will setup everything needed to dynamically make the user inside the container have your desired ids (by default, by querying your ids on the host).

The entrypoint is designed to take care of 5 major problems for you

  1. Creating a user with the right UID/GID such that

  • Files created in directories (volumes) mounted from the host will have the correct permissions

  • The container, if given access to the X11 daemon, will be allowed to draw windows (e.g., display figures)

  1. Fix initial permissions of internal volumes

  2. Workaround NFS mounts when squash root is enabled. (Does not currently support kerberos auth)

  3. Remove project environment variables ending in _DOCKER

  4. Remove // from the beginning of environment variables to handle the mingw/cygwin expansion workaround

Here’s a walkthrough of how the entrypoint runs:

  1. The entrypoint starts running as root

  2. Loads the just environment for root according to JUST_SETTINGS. These variables will be removed by the time the entrypoint is executed as the user below, to prevent unexpected variable corruption.

  3. Any files in JUST_ROOT_PATCH_DIR will be executed (in alphabetical order) if they have the execute flag set, else they are sourced.

  4. Runs just_entrypoint_functions docker_setup_user to set up the user with the appropriate ids. This is superior to other methods that would build an image with a UID and GID embedded in it, since you do not need to rebuild the image to have it adopt a different id. Furthermore, it will capture all your gids by default, which allows more corner cases to work correctly.

  5. In the case that nfs is used, runs just_entrypoint_functions docker_link_mounts in conjunction with docker_functions.bsh Just-docker-compose to create symlinks where nfs mounts should appear. First, docker_functions.bsh Just-docker-compose will identify nfs mounts and mount the root of an nfs mount point (assuming squash_root is typically enabled) to a secondary location, and add the mount point to JUST_DOCKER_ENTRYPOINT_LINKS. Then, just_entrypoint_functions docker_link_mounts uses the information encoded in JUST_DOCKER_ENTRYPOINT_LINKS to create symlinks to the nfs subdirectories in the locations they were originally supposed to be mounted.

  6. Runs just_entrypoint_functions docker_setup_data_volumes to fix initial permission issues for internal data volumes. When an empty internal data volume is initially created by docker, the folder is owned and writable by root. This changes the folder to match the desired user’s permissions. docker_functions.bsh Just-docker-compose automatically determines the list of internal data volumes and passes them in as JUST_DOCKER_ENTRYPOINT_INTERNAL_VOLUMES, which it then passes into just_entrypoint_functions docker_setup_data_volumes as JUST_DOCKER_ENTRYPOINT_CHOWN_DIRS and JUST_DOCKER_ENTRYPOINT_CHMOD_DIRS

  • JUST_DOCKER_ENTRYPOINT_CHOWN_DIRS - recursively chowns all the files in the volumes listed to match the user. This could be slow with many files, but it only executes when the volumes permissions are bad, typically only the first time the container is started. If you need to customized/disable this feature, set and pass the environment variable JUST_DOCKER_ENTRYPOINT_CHOWN_DIRS into the container to specify which directories to chown. This will override the default of JUST_DOCKER_ENTRYPOINT_INTERNAL_VOLUMES.

  • JUST_DOCKER_ENTRYPOINT_CHMOD_DIRS - non-recursively chmod the directories listed to 777 so that any initial ownership issues are avoided. Can also be customized/disabled by passing a value in for JUST_DOCKER_ENTRYPOINT_CHMOD_DIRS, but being non-recursive, this should never have a noticeable time penalty.

  • These two features give volumes a much more desirable default behavior for non-root users.

  1. Next, the entrypoint (and everything else from here on) is re-executed as the user that was created in just_entrypoint_functions docker_setup_user. If you need to give the user root privileges, the suggested method is to give gosu special permissions (chmod u+s /usr/local/bin/gosu) and use gosu root {command}. However, this is not suggested when deploying.

  2. Loads the settings for the project/user according to JUST_SETTINGS.

  3. If JUST_PROJECT_PREFIX is set, runs just_entrypoint_user_functions.bsh filter_docker_variables to remove project variables ending in _DOCKER. This can be disabled by setting JUST_FILTER_DOCKER to 0

  4. Replace // with / in project variables if running on Windows using mingw or cygwin. Cygwin-like systems have a habit of expanding variables. Extra slashes are added in project environment files using JUST_PATH_ESC, which cygwin-like systems evaluate as a /, else empty. An unfortunate side effect of this is the // is still in the container. While this is usually harmless, there are cases when the extra slash in the variables cause code to crash.

  5. Any files in JUST_USER_PATCH_DIR will be executed if they have the execute flag set, else they are sourced.

  6. If JUSTFILE was passed in, this signifies to the entrypoint that an internal just call will be used. This means just is prepended to the command to exec, so you don’t have to.

  7. If JUSTFILE is not set, the command arguments are run using exec

The function sudo that calls gosu is also exported, for ease of use.

If you have your own entrypoint that you want to daisy-chain with the just entrypoint, changing the ENTRYPOINT field in the docker file will allow this.

ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/local/bin/tini", "--", "/usr/bin/env",
            "bash", "/vsi/linux/just_files/just_entrypoint.sh",
            "bash", "/my_entrypoint.sh"]

CMD some_command

If a project needs to customize the behavior more than is possible, the developer is encouraged to copy the original file into their project, customize it, add it to the image, and call that entrypoint instead of the one in vsi_common.

set -eu

: ${VSI_COMMON_DIR=/vsi}

cd /

source "${VSI_COMMON_DIR}/linux/elements.bsh"

if [ -n "${JUST_DEBUG_ENTRYPOINT+set}" ]; then
  # No quotes here, so allow things like: JUST_DEBUG_ENTRYPOINT="source /foo/bar/something"

if [ -d "/.singularity.d" ] || [ ! -f "/.dockerenv" ] || [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]; then

  # Singularity specific fix. In old versions with no --nvccli, we have to use --nv and it's broken
  ld_dirs=(/lib /usr/local/lib /usr/lib) # default from alpine, no 64
  if [ -e "/etc/ld.so.cache" ] && \
     command -v mount &> /dev/null && \
     command -v awk &> /dev/null && \
     command -v grep &> /dev/null && \
     ldconfig_list=$(ldconfig -p 2>/dev/null); then
    # Find every library mounted in /.singularity.d/libs without the words cuda, nvidia, or nv.
    # These are the problem .so files that should never have been mounted
    library_list=($(mount |  awk '/\.singularity\.d\/libs\// && !($3~/nvidia|nv|cuda/) {
                                    split($3, a, "/");
                                    split(a[4], b, "\\.so");
                                    print b[1]}'))

    # Find the directory names of these problem .so files
    ld_dirs=($(for library in ${library_list[@]+"${library_list[@]}"}; do
                  libs=($(echo "${ldconfig_list}" | awk "/${library}\.so/"' { print $NF }'))
                  for lib in ${libs[@]+"${libs[@]}"}; do
                    dirname "${lib}"
                done | sort -u))
  if (( ${#ld_dirs[@]} )); then
    # Add these directories to LD_LIBRARY_PATH to override singularity
    IFS=: remove_element LD_LIBRARY_PATH /.singularity.d/libs
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${LD_LIBRARY_PATH-}${LD_LIBRARY_PATH:+:}$(IFS=:; echo "${ld_dirs[*]}"):/.singularity.d/libs"

function load_just_settings()
  local just_settings

  for just_settings in ${JUST_SETTINGSS[@]+"${JUST_SETTINGSS[@]}"}; do
    source "${VSI_COMMON_DIR}/linux/just_files/just_env" "${just_settings}"
if [ "${bash_feature_declare_global}" = "1" ]; then
  declare -i extra_args=0
  declare -i get_args_args_used

if [ "${ALREADY_RUN_ONCE+set}" != "set" ]; then

  if [ -n "${BASH_SOURCE+set}" ]; then
    file="${0}" # sh compatibility

    # TODO: This will not source local.env if the src directory were on an nfs
    # Not sure ADDing the local files in the Dockerfile is the "right" solution

    # Sorted: https://serverfault.com/a/122743/321910
    for patch in "${JUST_ROOT_PATCH_DIR-/usr/local/share/just/root_run_patch}"/*; do
      if [ -x "${patch}" ]; then
            # https://www.endpoint.com/blog/2016/12/12/bash-loop-wildcards-nullglob-failglob
            # check -e incase glob doesn't expand
      elif [ -e "${patch}" ]; then
        source "${patch}"

    # Create the user and associated groups and handle nfs symlinks
    # Setup the container to be more friendly to non-root users and
    # add other advanced J.U.S.T. features
    /usr/bin/env bash "${VSI_COMMON_DIR}/linux/just_files/just_entrypoint_functions"
  # Workaround for gosu blocking a CVE we don't care about
  export GOSU_PLEASE_LET_ME_BE_COMPLETELY_INSECURE_I_GET_TO_KEEP_ALL_THE_PIECES="I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die."

  # Rerun entrypoint as user now, (skipping the root part via ALREADY_RUN_ONCE)
  ALREADY_RUN_ONCE=1 exec gosu ${DOCKER_USERNAME} /usr/bin/env bash "${file}" ${@+"${@}"}

function sudo()
  gosu root ${@+"${@}"}
export -f sudo

if [ -n "${JUSTFILE:+set}" ]; then


source "${VSI_COMMON_DIR}/linux/just_files/just_entrypoint_user_functions.bsh"
if [ -n "${JUST_PROJECT_PREFIX+set}" ]; then
  # Remove duplicate ${JUST_PROJECT_PREFIX}_*_DOCKER variables

for patch in "${JUST_USER_PATCH_DIR-/usr/local/share/just/user_run_patch}"/*; do
  if [ -x "${patch}" ]; then
          # https://www.endpoint.com/blog/2016/12/12/bash-loop-wildcards-nullglob-failglob
          # check -e incase glob doesn't expand
  elif [ -e "${patch}" ]; then
    source "${patch}"

unset shell

if [ "${run_just}" = "1" ]; then
  source "${VSI_COMMON_DIR}/linux/just"
  just ${@+"${@}"}
  exec ${@+"${@}"}
  • JUST_SETTINGS - Location of project env settings file.

  • VSI_COMMON_DIR - Optional, location of VSI dir, defaults to /vsi

  • DOCKER_USERNAME - Optional, username for new user, defaults to user

Internal Use:

just_entrypoint.sh will source or execute (if the execute bit is set) every file in this directory as root on container start. In singularity, this step is skipped. The default is: /usr/local/share/just/root_run_patch.


just_entrypoint.sh will source or execute (if the execute bit is set) every file in this directory as the user on container start. The default is: /usr/local/share/just/user_run_patch


The intended use of JUST_ROOT_PATCH_DIR and JUST_USER_PATCH_DIR is to add files to them from either docker recipes or in the Dockerfile. While you can mount a folder or volume to this location, that is not the intent. For example, on Windows all files may appear to have execute permissions, which may not be what you want.


just_entrypoint.sh will execute the unquoted string specified by JUST_DEBUG_ENTRYPOINT at the beginning of the script for the purposes of debugging. A typical value would be /usr/local/bin/bash, bash -i, or source /foo/bar/something. If set to null, it will default to running bash.