Updating a just environment

There are over half a dozen files to a just environment, and keeping track of what changes from one version of just to another can be very difficult. just_diff will give you a diff output of two subsequent calls to new_just


Prints the difference between the output of new_just for two different versions

  • $1 - Version 1 to compare with. Can be a SHA, tag, etc… Use – to autodetect assuming external/vsi_common. Can also be --help to print new_just help

  • $2 - Version 2 to compare with. Can be a SHA, tag, etc… Use – for autodetect HEAD assuming external/vsi_common

  • [$3 …] - Flags to pass to new_just


JUST_DIFF - The diff program used on two directories, such as meld. Default: colordiff if it exists, else diff.


Show the difference between your current version and the latest tag, assuming you are in vsi_common and have already checked out the newest commit

just_diff "$(git rev-parse HEAD)" "$(git describe --abbrev=0 --tags origin/main)"

Another use case, is in a just project, if you have checkout out the newest vsi_common commit, but not commit that change to the project:

just_diff -- --