New J.U.S.T.


Create a new just project

There are many moving pieces to set up a working just project and use all the features. Just getting started is hard, without knowing where to start. This script will create all the files necessary to have a new docker compose based just project up and running.


By default, new_just will prompt the user for questions on the initial setup parameters. Default values are supplied for all questions, and enter can be pressed to accept all the defaults. All of the questions can be set using environment variables, making them scriptable.

After new_just is called, a few git commands need to be called. This is not done for you, in case it will break your existing repository. These commands are printed out on stdout, while everything else is printed on stderr, making them scriptable.

If any of the files written to exist, they are not overwritten, and a warning message is printed out.


Escapes arbitrary filename for Dockerfile ADD ["filename", "dest"] syntax, not including outer "


$1 - Filename to be escaped


Escapes arbitrary value for Dockerfile ENV var="value" syntax, not including outer "


$1 - Value to be escaped


The main new_just function. The script to be in a function, or else streaming curl to bash won’t work.


The project directory is typically the root directory of the main git repository. This is where all the just files will be stored by default.

The value can be customized when prompted by new_just. The default value is the current working directory. The question can be skipped by setting the environment variable PROJECT_DIR to the desired value.


The PROJECT_NAME is used to set the project environment file name used by just_functions.bsh source_environment_files. Specifically: ${PROJECT_DIR}/${PROJECT_NAME}.env PROJECT_NAME is also used for for determining other default values.

The value can be customized when prompted by new_just. The default value is basename of the PROJECT_DIR. The question can be skipped by setting the environment variable PROJECT_NAME to the desired value.


The prefix of environment variables for this project

Used to set the value of JUST_PROJECT_PREFIX. Must contain only valid bash variable-name characters: [A-Z0-9_]+

Does not need the trailing _ included, this will always be added when it is used.

The value can be customized when prompted by new_just. The default value is uppercase of the PROJECT_NAME. The question can be skipped by setting the environment variable PROJECT_PREFIX to the desired value.


Name of the justfile used

The default just file in just is “Justfile”. If this is changed, the only way to inform just of this is by setting it in the SETUPFILE. This will be added to the SETUPFILE by new_just if anything other than the default is used.

The value can be customized when prompted by new_just. The default value is Justfile. The question can be skipped by setting the environment variable JUSTFILE to the desired value.

See also

SETUPFILE, just/Justfile


Flag to include vsi_common

vsi_common can either be included as a submodule, in which case setup.env is needed, or the just executable needs to be installed and vsi_common is not needed.


Name of the setup file sourced to setup just environment

The setup file is used to make the minimal necessary changes to the environment so that just works. This includes adding paths and setting a few environment variables. This is meant to be as unobtrusive as possible.

This file needs to be sourced every time a new terminal session is opened. The only time the setup script is not needed is when using juste.

The value can be customized when prompted by new_just. The default value is setup.env. The question can be skipped by setting the environment variable SETUPFILE to the desired value.

See also



Location of the vsi_common submodule

The vsi_common repository is necessary for virtually all of the just capabilities. The correct way to deal with this is to add vsi_common as a submodule for your main project. This tells just were this submodule is located.

The value can be customized when prompted by new_just. The default value is external/vsi_common. The question can be skipped by setting the environment variable VSI_DIR to the desired value.

Docker Stuff


Flag to turn on all the docker features


Flag to turn on setting up pip-tools


The name of the test app generated. Used for the name of the first service populated for you.


When docker images are built, they need to be named, or else the only way to access them is inconveniently though sha256 checksums.

The REPO_NAME should be an untagged docker repository name. Tag names will be added for each service. Docker image names must match the regex [a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_.-]* or else docker will error

The value can be customized when prompted by new_just. The default value is lowercase of the PROJECT_NAME. The question can be skipped by setting the environment variable REPO_NAME to the desired value.


Name of the default python package created


Flag to turn on tutorial comments