Unwrapping Echo


Unwrapping echo


[$1…] - Args to echo


stdout - Echo’s strings with lines unindented

Unwrapping echo

When doing many multiline echo’s, mixed indentation becomes hard to read:

$   echo "This
> is
>   a
>   test"

uwecho will determine how many spaces up to the quote on the first line, and remove that many spaces if they are leading in all the subsequent lines

$   uwecho "This
>           is
>             a
>             test"

Much easier to read. Even handles:

$   uwecho "  This
>           is
>             a test"

One odd side-effect is this looks a little weird:

$   uwecho 'Use "quote" and get: '"${Variable}"'
            '"${Another_variable}"' goes here
            * <-- This is where the indent is'

The second line looks like it has one too many spaces when, in fact, it has the right number of spaces.


  • This only works when called directly from a script saved in a file. Will not work in a script that is piped in or on an interactive command line.

  • Will not work correctly if you are using $'\n' or similar methods to add a newline without an actual newline.

  • Will not work correctly if you use hard tab in your indents. Use here doc if you want to use hard tabs

  • Not smart enough to work unless line starts with spaces and uwecho. No inline environment variables setting, or execution of wrappers, etc…

  • Does not work if you cd after the script is started, unless you use the full path name to call the script

  • Does not work reliably in $() or ` ` or any process subprocess

# Interactive can sometimes work, but is still discouraged.
$ cat foo.bsh
  uwecho "foo
bar(){ foo; }

# Always works
$ bash foo.bsh

# Will not work, foo is being called directly in interactive mode
# (internal bar call does work in bash 4.1 and newer)
$ source foo.bsh; foo

# Will not work, bar is being called directly in interactive mode
# (internal bar call does work in bash 4.1 and newer)
$ source foo.bsh; bar

# Does work in bash 4.1 or newer
$ source foo.bsh; source <(echo foo)