Ask Question


Bash CLI version of ask_question


$1 - The question

[$2] - Default answer (when user presses enter only)


Returns 0 for yes, 1 for no

See also



Pretty version of ask Y/N question with optional default value


$1 - The question

$2 - Variable to store answer in: 1 for yes, 0 for no

[$3] - Default answer (when user presses enter only)

[!2] - If the value of the variables named by $2 is set, then this will override the answer for the question asked. This is a good way to automate calling a script/function that contains ask_question and skip prompting the user for an answer.


Stores 1 for yes, and 0 for no in the variable specified by $2


source "${VSI_COMMON_DIR}/linux/ask_question"

ask_question "Continue?" y

ask_question "Would you like to play a game?" play y


ask_question "This question will not wait, but answer yes for you." ans n


Only the first letter of the response matters. Accepted values are yYnN (and blank if a default answer is given), else the question is asked again until an appropriate response is given.


If the same variable is used to store the answer for multiple ask_question calls, then the result from the first call will act as the override. Luckily it is a 1 or 0, so it won’t give a valid answer. But the best practice is to use different variable names for consecutive ask_question’s