from __future__ import print_function
@created: Nov, 2014
@author: srichardson
Script to generate a scene file given corner coordinates (lat, lon, height),
GSD, and number of refinements. This will generate a scene with blocks that
will, in the wrost case, fit within the identified GPU's memory.
a world is composed of blocks
blocks are used to cope with limited GPU memory
blocks are composed of sub-blocks
a sub-block has an octree
an octree can be refined three times
the leaf cells of a sub-block are voxels
Due to a windows stdout redirect bug, if calling from CLI, you must redirect
stdout. python ... > nil will do
import sys,os
import re
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
import math
from .generate_scene_xml import generate_scene_xml
import brl_init
import vpgl_adaptor_boxm2_batch as vpgl_adaptor
from boxm2_adaptor import create_scene_and_blocks, ocl_info
from StringIO import StringIO
except ImportError:
from io import StringIO
import argparse
from import PopenRedirect, Redirect
[docs]def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('output_file', nargs='?', type=argparse.FileType('w'),
help="Filename to write scene.xml to. Default is stdout")
parser.add_argument('-a', '--appearance', nargs='+',
help="""List of appearance models to use. Default is boxm2_mog3_grey and
parser.add_argument('-b', '--bins', default=1, type=int,
help='Number of illumination bins')
parser.add_argument('-m', '--modeldir', default='.', help='Model directory')
parser.add_argument('-d', '--device', default='gpu0',
help='OpenCL Device to process on')
parser.add_argument('--mem', default=None,
help="""Override the block size (in GB) instead of querying the GPU
device. Probably most useful for CPU OpenCL""")
parser.add_argument('-r', '--refine', default=3, choices=range(4), type=int,
help="""Promise: a scene will be refined at most [0,3] times is fully
refined after three subdivisions, although, because a cell must
pass a certain threshold to be eligible for subdivision,
additional passes may continue to refine the scene """)
parser.add_argument('-s', '--gsd', default=1.0, type=float,
help="""GSD in meters of a voxel (leaf cell in the octree) in a fully
refined world""")
group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
group.add_argument('--lla1', nargs=3, type=float, default=None,
help="""Longitude, Latitude, and Altitude in degrees and meters of the
west,south,floor corner of the world. Note: NOT Latitude,
Longitude order""")
group.add_argument('--lvcs1', nargs=3, type=float, default=None,
help="""X Y Z in arbitrary units of the west,south,floor corner of the
group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
group.add_argument('--lla2', nargs=3, type=float, default=None,
help="""Longitude, Latitude, and Altitude in degrees and meters of the
east,north,ceiling corner of the world. Note: NOT Latitude,
Longitude order""")
group.add_argument('--lvcs2', nargs=3, type=float, default=None,
help="""X Y Z in arbitrary units of the east,north,ceiling corner of the
parser.add_argument('-o', '--origin', nargs=3, type=float, default=None,
help="""Optional origin for scene file, default is to use lla Longitude,
Latitude, and Altitude in degrees and meters of the
east,north,ceiling corner of the world. Note: NOT Latitude,
Longitude order""")
args = parser.parse_args()
#Force all output to stderr so that if the output_file is stdout, it's clean
with Redirect(all=sys.stderr):
create_scene_xml(args.device, args.refine, args.gsd, lla1=args.lla1,
lla2=args.lla2, lvcs1=args.lvcs1, lvcs2=args.lvcs2,
origin=args.origin, output_file=args.output_file,
appearance_models=args.appearance, number_bins=args.bins,
# INTERNAL ---------
[docs]def gpu_memory(gpu_device):
stdout = StringIO()
with PopenRedirect(stdout) as redirect:
pid = Popen([sys.executable, '-c', 'import boxm2_adaptor as b; b.ocl_info()'],
stdout =
# cpu devices are possible, but don't look for them
gpu_id_re = re.compile('[cg]pu(\d\d?)')
# cpu devices are possible, but don't look for them
device_id_re = re.compile('[cg]pu(\d\d?), Device Description:')
device_name_re = re.compile(' Device Name : (.+)')
global_memory_re = re.compile('\s*Total global memory: (\S+) ([GM]Bytes)')
match = gpu_id_re.match(gpu_device)
if match:
gpu_id = int(
assert False, 'unrecognized gpu_device: %s'%str(gpu_device)
it = iter(stdout.split('\n'))
for line in it:
match = device_id_re.match(line)
if match:
device_id = int(
if device_id == gpu_id:
for line in it:
match = device_name_re.match(line)
if match:
device_name =
match = global_memory_re.match(line)
if match:
gpu_mem =
gpu_mem_units =
if gpu_mem_units == 'GBytes': n_bytes_gpu = float(gpu_mem)*1024**3
if gpu_mem_units == 'MBytes': n_bytes_gpu = float(gpu_mem)*1024**2
print("GPU Device ID: {}".format(device_id), file=sys.stderr)
print("GPU Name: {}".format(device_name), file=sys.stderr)
print("GPU Memory (bytes): {}".format(n_bytes_gpu), file=sys.stderr)
return n_bytes_gpu
[docs]def create_scene_xml(gpu_device, refinements, gsd,
lla1=None, lla2=None, lvcs1=None, lvcs2=None,
origin=None, output_file=sys.stdout, model_dir = ".",
appearance_models=None, number_bins=1,
''' Create a scene xml file based off of input parameters
Required arguments:
gpu_device - The GPU device used for the block size calculation. The
scene will be made to fit specifically on that gpu device
refinements - Number of refinement passes. Max should be 3, even if you
refine more times than 3 times. gsd - The desired voxel size. This is in
meters when using lla notation
Mutually exclusive arguments:
lla1,lla2 - The min and max (in order) longitude, latitude, altitude
coordinates for bounding box of the scene. Will be expanded to the next
lvcs1, lvcs2 - The min and max (in order) x, y, z coordinates for
bounding box of the scene. Will be expanded to the next sublock
Optional arguments:
origin - Origin of scene. Default: lla1 or (0,0,0) if lvcs1 is used
output_file - Output file object. Must support .write.
Default: sys.stdout
model_dir - The model dir used. is_model_local="true" is always used
Default: "."
appearance_models - Tuple of appearance models to be used.
Default: ('boxm2_mog3_grey','boxm2_num_obs')
number_bins - Sets the num_illumination_bins. Default: 1
n_bytes_gpu - Optional override gpu_device memory size. Useful for CPU
#impose mutually exclusive constraint
assert(lla1 is None or lvcs1 is None)
assert(lla2 is None or lvcs2 is None)
if origin is None:
if lla1 is None:
origin = (0,0,0)
origin = lla1
if lvcs1 is None or lvcs2 is None:
lvcs = vpgl_adaptor.create_lvcs(lat=origin[1], lon=origin[0], el=origin[2],
# transform the coordinate system from lat/lon/height to a lvcs (meters) with
# the origin at one corner of the scene
if lvcs1 is None:
lvcs1 = vpgl_adaptor.convert_to_local_coordinates2(lvcs,
lla1[1], lla1[0], lla1[2])
if lvcs2 is None:
lvcs2 = vpgl_adaptor.convert_to_local_coordinates2(lvcs,
lla2[1], lla2[0], lla2[2])
lvcs_size = map(lambda x,y:y-x, lvcs1, lvcs2)
if n_bytes_gpu==None:
n_bytes_gpu = gpu_memory(gpu_device)
(n_blocks, n_subblocks, subblock_len) = calculate_block_parameters(
n_bytes_gpu, refinements, gsd, lvcs_size)
generate_scene_xml(output_file, model_dir,
num_blocks=n_blocks, num_subblocks=n_subblocks,
subblock_size=subblock_len, appearance_models=appearance_models,
num_bins=number_bins, max_level=refinements+1, lvcs_og=origin,
[docs]def bytes_per_subblock(n_refinement_passes):
# storage requirement for the sub-block's octree
# number of cells in the sub-blocks's octree
n_cells_per_subblock = sum([8**n for n in range(0,n_refinement_passes+1)])
# alpha:4, mog3/gauss:8, num_obs:8, aux:16
n_bytes_per_subblock = 36*n_cells_per_subblock
return n_bytes_per_subblock
[docs]def subblocks_per_block(n_refinement_passes, n_bytes_gpu):
n_bytes_subb = bytes_per_subblock(n_refinement_passes)
max_bytes_block = n_bytes_gpu/2.0 # leave room for other operations
# max sub-blocks per block
total_subblocks_per_block = max_bytes_block / n_bytes_subb
# number of sub-blocks per dimension in a block (grid pattern); depends on
# the amount of GPU memory
max_n_subblocks_xyz = math.floor(total_subblocks_per_block**(1.0/3.0))
return max_n_subblocks_xyz, max_bytes_block
[docs]def calculate_block_parameters(n_bytes_gpu, n_refinement_passes, gsd,
(lx,ly,lz) = scene_length
max_n_subblocks_xyz, max_bytes_block = subblocks_per_block(
n_refinement_passes, n_bytes_gpu)
# resolution of a leaf cell
voxel_length = gsd
# change to resolution of a sub-block (e.g., the root node of the sub-block's
# octree is 16 m on a side)
subblock_len = voxel_length * 2.0**n_refinement_passes
# block length in meters; assume it is a cube
max_block_len = max_n_subblocks_xyz*subblock_len
n_blocks_x = int(math.ceil(lx / max_block_len))
n_blocks_y = int(math.ceil(ly / max_block_len))
n_blocks_z = int(math.ceil(lz / max_block_len))
# clip the z height of the scene; compute the minimum number of sub-blocks
# (which will be distributed evenly among the z blocks) needed to cover the
# scene
# n_subblocks_z cannot get larger
n_subblocks_z = int(math.ceil(lz / (n_blocks_z*subblock_len)))
# re-estimate max_n_subblocks_xy; if n_subblocks_z was clipped,
# then we can have more sub-blocks in xy
n_bytes_subb = bytes_per_subblock(n_refinement_passes)
max_n_subblocks_xy = int(math.ceil(math.sqrt(max_bytes_block / \
# re-compute n_subblocks_{x,y}; should either have enough sub-blocks to cover
# the scene or as possible
n_subblocks_x = int(math.ceil(lx / (n_blocks_x*subblock_len)))
n_subblocks_y = int(math.ceil(ly / (n_blocks_y*subblock_len)))
n_subblocks_x = min(n_subblocks_x, max_n_subblocks_xy)
n_subblocks_y = min(n_subblocks_y, max_n_subblocks_xy)
# re-compute the number of blocks needed to cover the scene
n_blocks_x = int(math.ceil(lx / (n_subblocks_x*subblock_len)))
n_blocks_y = int(math.ceil(ly / (n_subblocks_y*subblock_len)))
# cannot change...
#n_blocks_z = int(math.ceil(lz / (n_subblocks_z*subblock_len)))
block_len_x = n_subblocks_x*subblock_len
block_len_y = n_subblocks_y*subblock_len
block_len_z = n_subblocks_z *subblock_len
# print summary of the scene.xml file
print("nblocks_x:", n_blocks_x, " y:", n_blocks_y, \
" z:", n_blocks_z, file=sys.stderr)
print("block_len_x (m):", block_len_x, \
" n_subblocks_x:", n_subblocks_x, file=sys.stderr)
print("block_len_y (m):", block_len_y, \
" n_subblocks_y:", n_subblocks_y, file=sys.stderr)
print("block_len z (m):", block_len_z, \
" n_subblocks_z:", n_subblocks_z, file=sys.stderr)
print("subblock_len (m):", subblock_len, \
" n_refinement_passes:", n_refinement_passes, file=sys.stderr)
print("input scene length (m) x:", lx, " blocked x:", \
n_blocks_x*n_subblocks_x*subblock_len, file=sys.stderr)
print("input scene length (m) y:", ly, " blocked y:", \
n_blocks_y*n_subblocks_y*subblock_len, file=sys.stderr)
print("input scene length (m) z:", lz, " blocked z:", \
n_blocks_z*n_subblocks_z*subblock_len, file=sys.stderr)
n_subb = n_subblocks_x*n_subblocks_y*n_subblocks_z
#n_cells_subb = 1+8+64+512
#n_bytes_subb = 36*n_cells_subb # alpha:4, mog3/gauss:8, num_obs:8, aux:16
n_bytes_block = n_subb*n_bytes_subb
print("Memory requirements for a block at finest resolution:",\
n_bytes_block/1e6, "MB per block", file=sys.stderr)
print(" including bit tree:",
(n_bytes_block + n_subb*16)/1e6, "MB", file=sys.stderr)
print(" entire world (worst case):",
(n_bytes_block + n_subb*16)*n_blocks_x*n_blocks_y*n_blocks_z/1e6, "MB",
return (n_blocks_x, n_blocks_y, n_blocks_z), \
(n_subblocks_x, n_subblocks_y, n_subblocks_z), subblock_len
if __name__ == '__main__':