import math
import rasterio
import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib import pylab as plt
[docs]def share_xy_custom(ax1, ax2,
forward=lambda x: x, backward=lambda x: x,
sharex=True, sharey=True,
Like ``Axes.sharex``/``Axes.sharey`` only it allows you to provide your own
function instead of the 1:1 default.
ax1 : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes`
The first Axes
ax2 : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes`
The second Axes
forward : Callable
A function that takes the arguments ``x0``, ``x1``, ``y0``, ``y1`` for
``ax1`` and returns ``(x0, x1, y0, y1)`` for ``ax2``. Return ``None`` to
indicate that no update to ``ax2`` should be performed.
backward : Callable
Same as ``forward`` except maps ``ax2`` to ``ax1``
sharex : :class:`bool`, optional
Should the x axis be shared
sharey : :class:`bool`, optional
Should the y axis be shared
Additional keyword arguments passed to ``forward`` and ``backward``
def wrap_call(func, ax, dest_ax):
# Unpack the bbox
x0 = ax.viewLim.x0
x1 = ax.viewLim.x1
y0 = ax.viewLim.y0
y1 = ax.viewLim.y1
# Call the user specified function
bbox_new = func(x0, x1, y0, y1, **kwargs)
# If it's not None or empty
if bbox_new:
# Unpack the bbox
x0_new, x1_new, y0_new, y1_new = bbox_new
# And set the lims
if sharex:
if x0 > x1: # Handle x flip
dest_ax.set_xlim(max(x0_new, x1_new), min(x0_new, x1_new), emit=False)
dest_ax.set_xlim(min(x0_new, x1_new), max(x0_new, x1_new), emit=False)
if sharey:
if y0 > y1: # Handle y flip
dest_ax.set_ylim(max(y0_new, y1_new), min(y0_new, y1_new), emit=False)
dest_ax.set_ylim(min(y0_new, y1_new), max(y0_new, y1_new), emit=False)
_forward = lambda ax: wrap_call(forward, ax, ax2)
_backward = lambda ax: wrap_call(backward, ax, ax1)
# Set up event listeners
if sharex:
ax1.callbacks.connect('xlim_changed', _forward)
ax2.callbacks.connect('xlim_changed', _backward)
if sharey:
ax1.callbacks.connect('ylim_changed', _forward)
ax2.callbacks.connect('ylim_changed', _backward)
[docs]def imshow_chip(axes, img, origin, size, *args, **kwargs):
imshow's only a chip of an image, and draws the chip at the appropriate
Does not support custom transforms
axes : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes`
The first Axes
img : :class:`numpy.ndarray`
Image array
origin : tuple
The origin of the chip to load, in y, x, order
size :
The size of the chip to load, in y, x, order
*args :
Additional parameters passed to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.imshow`
Additional keyword arguments passed to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.imshow`
img_chip = img[origin[0]:(origin[0]+size[0]),
*args, **kwargs)
[docs]def imshow_chip_from_raster(axes, raster, origin, size, *args, **kwargs):
Loads and imshow's a chip of an image, and draws the chip at the
appropriate coordinates.
Does not support custom transforms
axes : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes`
The first Axes
raster : :class:``
rasterio dataset object
origin :
The origin of the chip to load, in y, x, order
size :
The size of the chip to load, in y, x, order
*args :
Additional parameters passed to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.imshow`
Additional keyword arguments passed to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.imshow`
img_chip =,[1], origin[0], size[1], size[0]))
*args, **kwargs)
[docs]def surf(z, cmap='jet', ax=None, x=None, y=None, c=None, **kwargs):
Creates an equivalent "surf" plot, like in matlab
z : :class:`numpy.ndarray`
The z data
cmap :
The colormap used to color based on z height. Default: jet
ax : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes`
The axes to draw on. Default: gca()
x : :class:`numpy.ndarray`, optional
The x coordinate used to draw. Default uses :func:`numpy.meshgrid`
y : :class:`numpy.ndarray`, optional
The y coordinate used to draw. Default uses :func:`numpy.meshgrid`
c : :class:`numpy.ndarray`, optional
A custom array that is fed into the colormap for coloring. Default uses
**kwargs : dict
Additional keyword arguments passed to :meth:`mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.axes3d.Axes3D.plot_surface`
By default, :meth:`mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.axes3d.Axes3D.plot_surface` does not
draw the entire mesh, it downsamples it to 50 points instead (for
efficiency). To disable downsampling, consider setting ``rstride`` and
``cstride`` to ``1``.
Shading is also disabled by default
if x is None and y is None:
x, y = np.meshgrid(range(np.shape(z)[1]), range(np.shape(z)[0]))
elif x is None:
x, _ = np.meshgrid(range(np.shape(z)[1]), range(np.shape(z)[0]))
elif y is None:
_, y = np.meshgrid(range(np.shape(z)[1]), range(np.shape(z)[0]))
if c is None:
c = z
kwargs['shade'] = kwargs.pop('shade', False)
if ax is None:
ax = plt.gca(projection='3d')
scalarMap =, vmax=c.max()), cmap=cmap)
# outputs an array where each C value is replaced with a corresponding color value
c_colored = scalarMap.to_rgba(c)
surf = ax.plot_surface(x, y, z, facecolors=c_colored, **kwargs)
return surf
[docs]class SimpleBubblePicker:
Simple class to add a picker with your own text function
Currently supports plots (Line2D), scatter (PathCollection), images
(AxesImage) and PatchCollection
:class:`SimpleBubblePicker` comes with a default text function that will
display basic information about any point you click.
def __init__(self, fig=None, text_function=None,
x_offset=10, y_offset=15, offset_units='dots',
bbox={'boxstyle': 'round', 'facecolor': 'wheat', 'alpha': 0.5},
Initialize a :class:`SimpleBubblePicker` for a specific figure.
fig : :class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure`, optional
Default to using the :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.gcf`
text_function : :class:`py::function`, optional
Defaults to :func:`SimpleBubblePicker.default_text`
x_offset : float, optional
y_offset : float, optional
Offset location of bubble from actual point
offset_units : 'str', optional
Default: ``dots``
**kwargs :
Additional keyword arguments to be passed to text initializer
if fig is None:
fig = plt.gcf()
#: :class:`py::function`: The text generation function. Should take two
# arguments
self.text_function = text_function or SimpleBubblePicker.default_text
#: float: The x offset of the currently drawing bubble
self.x_offset = x_offset
#: float: The y offset of the currently drawing bubble
self.y_offset = y_offset
#: str: The units of the offset for the current bubble offset
self.offset_units = offset_units
kwargs.setdefault('visible', False)
kwargs.setdefault('x', 0)
kwargs.setdefault('y', 0)
kwargs.setdefault('s', 'Intentionally blank')
kwargs['bbox'] = bbox
self.bubble_kwarg = kwargs
fig.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', self.cleanup)
fig.canvas.mpl_connect('pick_event', self._picker)
[docs] def new_bubble(self, axes):
# I don't know why I need to do this trasnform
transform = mpl.transforms.offset_copy(axes.transData,
return axes.text(transform=transform, **self.bubble_kwarg)
[docs] def get_bubbles(self, axes):
return axes.simplebubblepicker_bubbles
except AttributeError:
axes.simplebubblepicker_bubbles = []
return axes.simplebubblepicker_bubbles
[docs] def get_bubble(self, axes, shift=False):
bubbles = self.get_bubbles(axes)
if len(bubbles) == 0:
shift = True
if shift:
return bubbles[-1]
[docs] def default_text(self, event):
if isinstance(event.artist, (mpl.lines.Line2D,mpl.collections.PathCollection)):
return '\n'.join([f'x: {self.x}',
f'y: {self.y}',
f'ind: {self.ind}'])
elif isinstance(event.artist, mpl.image.AxesImage):
return '\n'.join([f'x: {self.x}',
f'y: {self.y}',
f'data: {self.image[self.y, self.x, ...]}'])
elif isinstance(event.artist, mpl.text.Text):
return event.artist.get_text()
elif isinstance(event.artist, mpl.collections.PatchCollection):
return '\n'.join([f'patch: {self.patch}'])
elif isinstance(event.artist, mpl.patches.Rectangle):
return '\n'.join([f'x: {self.bbox.x0} - {self.bbox.x1}',
f'y: {self.bbox.y0} - {self.bbox.y1}'])
return 'Todo'
[docs] def cleanup(self, event):
self.event2 = event
if event.key == 'escape':
bubbles = self.get_bubbles(event.inaxes)
for bubble in bubbles:
def _picker(self, event):
self.event = event # for debugging
if isinstance(event, mpl.backend_bases.PickEvent) and \
event.mouseevent.button == mpl.backend_bases.MouseButton.LEFT:
if isinstance(event.artist, mpl.lines.Line2D):
self.xdata = event.artist.get_xdata()
self.ydata = event.artist.get_ydata()
self.ind = event.ind
# self.x = np.take(self.xdata, self.ind)[0]
# self.y = np.take(self.ydata, self.ind)[0]
self.x = self.xdata[self.ind[0]]
self.y = self.ydata[self.ind[0]]
self.text_x = self.x
self.text_y = self.y
elif isinstance(event.artist, mpl.image.AxesImage):
self.image = event.artist.get_array()
extent = event.artist.get_extent()
x_scale = (extent[1]-extent[0]) / self.image.shape[1]
y_scale = (extent[3]-extent[2]) / self.image.shape[0]
if event.artist.origin == 'upper':
y_scale = -y_scale
if y_scale < 0:
y_offset = max(extent[3], extent[2])
y_offset = min(extent[3], extent[2])
if x_scale < 0:
x_offset = max(extent[1], extent[0])
x_offset = min(extent[1], extent[0])
self.x = math.floor((event.mouseevent.xdata-x_offset)/x_scale)
self.y = math.floor((event.mouseevent.ydata-y_offset)/y_scale)
self.text_x = (self.x + 0.5) * x_scale + x_offset
self.text_y = (self.y + 0.5) * y_scale + y_offset
elif isinstance(event.artist, mpl.collections.PathCollection): # scatter
self.xdata = event.artist.get_offsets().data[:,0]
self.ydata = event.artist.get_offsets().data[:,1]
self.ind = event.ind
self.x = self.xdata[self.ind[0]]
self.y = self.ydata[self.ind[0]]
self.text_x = self.x
self.text_y = self.y
elif isinstance(event.artist, mpl.collections.PatchCollection):
self.ind = event.ind
self.patches = event.artist.get_paths()
self.patch = self.patches[self.ind[0]]
self.text_x, self.text_y = self.patch.get_extents().corners().mean(axis=0)
elif isinstance(event.artist, mpl.text.Text):
self.x, self.y = event.artist.get_position()
self.text_x = self.x
self.text_y = self.y
elif isinstance(event.artist, mpl.patches.Rectangle):
self.bbox = event.artist.get_bbox()
# self.x, self.y = event.artist.get_bbox()
self.text_x = (self.bbox.x0 + self.bbox.x1)/2
self.text_y = (self.bbox.y0 + self.bbox.y1)/2
bubble = self.get_bubble(event.mouseevent.inaxes, event.mouseevent.key == "shift")
bubble.set_text(self.text_function(self, event))
[docs]def auto_fit_fontsize(text, width=None, height=None,
step_size=1, min_font_size=1, max_font_size=100):
'''Auto-fit the fontsize of a text object.
text (matplotlib.text.Text)
width (float): allowed width in data coordinates
height (float): allowed height in data coordinates
if min_font_size < 1:
raise ValueError('The minimum font size cannot be less than 1.0')
def fit(size):
renderer = text.axes.figure.canvas.get_renderer()
bbox_text = text.get_window_extent(renderer=renderer)
# transform bounding box to data coordinates
bbox_text = mpl.transforms.Bbox(text.axes.transData.inverted().transform(bbox_text))
fits_width = bbox_text.width - width if width else 0.0
fits_height = bbox_text.height - height if height else 0.0
# print(bbox_text.width, text.get_fontsize(), fits_width if abs(fits_width) > abs(fits_height) else fits_height)
return fits_width if abs(fits_width) > abs(fits_height) else fits_height
import scipy.optimize
scipy.optimize.bisect(fit, a=min_font_size, b=max_font_size, xtol=step_size)
# This happens when both min and max are positive which indicates no zero,
# so the desires size is too small, so pick the min
except ValueError:
except ImportError:
# Brute force
sz = max_font_size
while sz > min_font_size and fit(sz) > 0:
sz -= step_size