import json
import math
import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
import scipy.signal
from import Iterable
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Callable, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, TypeVar, Union
# Annotation crap
T = TypeVar("T", bound=npt.NBitBase)
[docs]def normalized_cross_correlation_2d(template: "np.floating[T]",
image: "np.floating[T]",
mode: str="full"): # -> "np.floating[T]":
Computes the 2-D normalized cross correlation (Aka: ``normxcorr2``) between
the template and image.
template: :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
N-D array of template or filter you are using for cross-correlation. Length
of each dimension must be less than equal to the corresponding dimension of
the image. Array should be floating point numbers.
image: :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
Image array should be floating point numbers.
mode: :obj:`str`, optional
* `full` (Default): The output of fftconvolve is the full discrete linear
convolution of the inputs. Output size will be image size + 1/2 template
size in each dimension.
* `valid`: The output consists only of those elements that do not rely on
the zero-padding.
* `same`: The output is the same size as image, centered with respect to
the "full" output.
N-D array of same dimensions as image. Size depends on mode parameter.
# If this happens, it is probably a mistake
if np.ndim(template) > np.ndim(image):
raise ValueError("Template has more dimensions than image. "
"Arguments probably need to be swapped.")
if len([i for i in range(np.ndim(template))
if template.shape[i] > image.shape[i]]) > 0:
raise ValueError("Template is larger than image. "
"Arguments probably need to be swapped.")
template = template - np.mean(template)
image = image - np.mean(image)
a1 = np.ones(template.shape)
# Faster to flip up down and left right then use convolve (fft domain)
# instead of scipy's correlate in the space domain
ar = np.flipud(np.fliplr(template))
out = scipy.signal.fftconvolve(image, ar.conj(), mode=mode)
image = scipy.signal.fftconvolve(np.square(image), a1, mode=mode) - \
np.square(scipy.signal.fftconvolve(image, a1, mode=mode)) / \
# Remove small machine precision errors after subtraction
image[np.where(image < 0)] = 0
template = np.sum(np.square(template))
out = out / np.sqrt(image * template)
# Remove any divisions by 0 or very close to 0
out[np.where(np.logical_not(np.isfinite(out)))] = 0
return out
[docs]def find_template_offset(template: np.floating, image: np.floating,
debug_dir: Optional[str]=None) \
-> Tuple[int, int, float]:
Uses 2-D normalized cross correlation to find the offset of the upper right
corners of the template and image
template: :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
N-D array of template or filter you are using for cross-correlation. Must
be less or equal dimensions to image. Length of each dimension must be less
than length of image. Array should be floating point numbers.
image: :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
Image array should be floating point numbers.
debug_dir: :obj:`str`
Optional directory to write debugging visualization images to.
y offset in pixels
x offset in pixels
The quality of the fit (scale of -1 to 1), where ``1`` is a perfect 100%
match, and ``-1`` is a perfect negative match. ``0`` is no match
xc = normalized_cross_correlation_2d(template, image)
fit = xc.max()
y_peak, x_peak = np.nonzero(xc == fit)
# if there are duplicate peak values, take the first
y_peak = y_peak[0]
x_peak = x_peak[0]
y_offset = y_peak - template.shape[0] + 1
x_offset = x_peak - template.shape[1] + 1
if debug_dir:
visualize_cross_correlation(debug_dir, template, image, xc,
(y_peak, x_peak), fit, (y_offset, x_offset))
return y_offset, x_offset, fit
[docs]def visualize_cross_correlation(debug_dir: str, template: np.floating,
image: np.floating, xc: np.floating,
peak: Tuple[int, int], peak_magnitude: float,
offset: Tuple[int, int]) -> None:
Save out visualization images to the provided debugging directory.
debug_dir: :obj:`str`
Debugging directory to write visualization images to.
template: :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
N-D array of template or filter used for cross-correlation. Array should be
floating point numbers between 0 and 1.
image: :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
Image array should be floating point numbers between 0 and 1.
xc: :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
The 2-D normalized cross correlation of the template and image.
peak: :obj:`tuple`
The (y, x) pixel coordinate of the peak of the correlation surface.
peak_magnitude: :obj:`float`
The scalar magnitude of the correlation peak.
offset: :obj:`tuple`
The (y, x) offset to translate the image by to match the image.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# file paths
debug_dir = Path(debug_dir)
template_image_file = debug_dir / 'template.png'
image_file = debug_dir / 'image.png'
xc_file = debug_dir / 'cross_correlation.png'
cc_file = debug_dir / 'cross_correlation_data.json'
# save out images
plt.imsave(template_image_file, template, cmap='gray')
plt.imsave(image_file, image, cmap='gray')
plt.imsave(xc_file, xc)
# convert numpy data types to primitives which are JSON serializable
peak = [int(idx) for idx in peak]
peak_magnitude = float(peak_magnitude)
offset = [int(idx) for idx in offset]
# save out JSON
cc_data = {'peak': peak,
'peak_magnitude': peak_magnitude,
'offset': offset}
with open(cc_file, 'w') as fp:
json.dump(cc_data, fp, indent=2)
[docs]def find_template_offset_centered(template_image: np.floating,
image: np.floating,
template_center: Tuple[int, int],
image_center: Tuple[int, int],
template_radius: Union[int, Tuple[int,int]]=50,
image_radius: Union[int, Tuple[int,int]]=200,
adjust_template: Optional[Callable[[np.ndarray, int, int, int, int],
Tuple[int, int, int, int]]]=None,
debug_dir: Optional[str]=None):
Uses 2-D normalized cross correlation to find the offset of a point of
interest between in two images. This is a convenient form of the
:func:`find_template_offset` function, that will handle boundary conditions
and do the math to tell you the offset of specific point of interest at the
template_image: :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
The image containing the template patch
image: :obj:`numpy.ndarray`
Image array should be floating point numbers.
template_center: :obj:`tuple`
The location of the POI in the template image, (y,x) coordinate
The location of the POI in the image, (y,x) coordinate
template_radius: :obj:`int` or :obj:`tuple`, optional
The radius around the template used for the cross correlation. Can be a
single number (in which case the same number is used in both the x and y
direction), or a tuple of two numbers (y radius, x radius). E.g.: ``50``
will create a patch 101 by 101, unless it is too close to the edge in which
case it will be smaller. Default is ``50``, and must be smaller than
image_radius: :obj:`int` or :obj:`tuple`, optional
The radius around the image. Default: ``200``
adjust_template: :obj:`Callable`
Function to call to warp the template image before correlation.
debug_dir: :obj:`str`
Optional directory to write debugging visualization images to.
y offset in pixels
x offset in pixels
The quality of the fit (scale of -1 to 1), where ``1`` is a perfect 100%
match, and ``-1`` is a perfect negative match. ``0`` is no match
if not isinstance(template_radius, Iterable):
template_radius = (template_radius, template_radius)
if not isinstance(image_radius, Iterable):
image_radius = (image_radius, image_radius)
def get_bounds(image, center, radius):
min_y = center[0] - radius[0]
max_y = center[0] + radius[0]
min_x = center[1] - radius[1] + 1
max_x = center[1] + radius[1] + 1
min_y = math.ceil(max(0, min_y))
min_x = math.ceil(max(0, min_x))
max_y = math.floor(min(image.shape[0], max_y))
max_x = math.floor(min(image.shape[1], max_x))
return min_y, max_y, min_x, max_x
min_y1, max_y1, min_x1, max_x1 = get_bounds(template_image, template_center, template_radius)
min_y2, max_y2, min_x2, max_x2 = get_bounds(image, image_center, image_radius)
if adjust_template:
adjustment = adjust_template(template_image, min_y1, max_y1, min_x1, max_x1)
min_y1 += adjustment[0]
max_y1 -= adjustment[1]
min_x1 += adjustment[2]
max_x1 -= adjustment[3]
def out_of_bounds(img, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax):
return (xmin < 0 or xmin > img.shape[1] or
xmax < 0 or xmax > img.shape[1] or
ymin < 0 or ymin > img.shape[0] or
ymax < 0 or ymax > img.shape[0])
if out_of_bounds(template_image, min_x1, max_x1, min_y1, max_y1):
raise ValueError(f"Bounds ({min_y1}:{max_y1}, {min_x1}:{max_x1}) fall "
"outside of template image with shape "
if out_of_bounds(image, min_x2, max_x2, min_y2, max_y2):
raise ValueError(f"Bounds ({min_y2}:{max_y2}, {min_x2}:{max_x2}) fall "
f"outside of image with shape {image.shape}")
offset_y, offset_x, fit = find_template_offset(
template_image[min_y1:max_y1, min_x1:max_x1, ...],
image[min_y2:max_y2, min_x2:max_x2, ...], debug_dir)
offset_y = offset_y - image_center[0] + min_y2 - min_y1 + template_center[0]
offset_x = offset_x - image_center[1] + min_x2 - min_x1 + template_center[1]
return offset_y, offset_x, fit