# approximate some of the functionality of matlab's 'format long g' command.
# not finished
import numpy as np
import vsi.console.terminal_info as ts
[docs]def repr_g(a):
(precision, linewidth, edgeitems) = est_options(a)
set_options(precision, linewidth, edgeitems)
np.set_string_function(None, repr=True)
str = a.__repr__()
np.set_string_function(repr_g, repr=True)
return str
[docs]def str_g(a):
(precision, linewidth, edgeitems) = est_options(a)
set_options(precision, linewidth, edgeitems)
np.set_string_function(None, repr=False)
str = a.__str__()
np.set_string_function(str_g, repr=False)
return str
[docs]def est_options(a):
if a.dtype is np.dtype('float64'):
precision = 15
elif a.dtype is np.dtype('float32'):
precision = 7
precision = 7
linewidth = ts.get_terminal_size()[0]
edgeitems = int(np.floor(((linewidth-8)/(1+2+precision+1+2)) / 2.))
return (precision, linewidth, edgeitems)
[docs]def set_options(precision, linewidth, edgeitems):
# set the percision
# set the linewidth based on console width
# set the number of enteries to print based on console width and dtype
np.set_string_function(repr_g, repr=True)
np.set_string_function(str_g, repr=False)