Source code for ci_load

#!/usr/bin/env python


import argparse
import tempfile
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
import os
import re
from os import environ as env
import copy

import yaml

stage_pattern=r'^ *from +[a-zA-Z0-9:\./_${}-]* +as +([^\n]*)'

## Explanation how this script works:

#. Parses the docker-compose file. The docker-compose file is fed through ``docker-compose config`` so that all variables are substituted and anchors are expanded. This means that this needed to be run within ``just`` so that all environment variables are loaded.
#. A temporary "push pull" docker-compose yaml file is auto generated. This file will push and pull the cache from dockerhub (or whatever registry you decide to use)
#. The docker cache images are pulled
#. Another temporary docker-compose file is auto generated. This file is used to restore the recipes from the cache pulled, using cache-from. So if the image is pulled as "vsi-ri/cache:recipe_gosu" and the image name should be "vsi-ri/recipe:gosu", it will let you build "vsi-ri/recipe:gosu" using "--cache-from = vsi-ri/cache:gosu". Note: this is the ONBUILD recipes, not the gosu stage (recipe "instance") that appears in your actual Dockerfile.
#. The recipes set up in step 3 are built
#. The recipes built in step 4 are re-tagged to their "cached" names, so that they are ready to be pushed at the end
#. A third docker-compose file is auto generated. The original docker-compose file is loaded, and a section for every single stage of the Dockerfile is copied based on the "main service" you specify. All of the possible "cache from" image names are added so that docker can build using the cache and the stages previously build. For example. If you build stage1 then stage2, stage2 shouldn't rebuild stage1, it should cache-from stage1, etc...
#. Unfortunately docker-compose cannot be used to build a multistage dockerfile efficiently, it will rebuild every stage for unknown reasons. So the docker-compose file is parsed and docker calls are made to build the stages in order. Finally, the main service stage (the final stage) is built, at this point all the previous stages have been built and cached, so only the last stage is built.

  * The (optional) other services are tagged from the cached images just generated (based on the target stage names found in the docker-compose file), and then the main service image is tagged too. This way the image names have been restored so that they are ready for CI to use.

#. Finally, that now updated images are push back to the registry

[docs]def Popen2(*args, **kwargs): # import shlex # print('\x1b[31m'+' '.join(shlex.quote(arg) for arg in args[0])+'\x1b[0m') pid = Popen(*args, **kwargs) pid.wait() assert pid.returncode == 0
[docs]class CiLoad:
[docs] def setup(self): pid = Popen([self.docker_compose_exe, '-f', self.compose, 'config'], stdout=PIPE) output = pid.communicate()[0] self.compose_yaml = yaml.safe_load(output) self.compose_version = self.compose_yaml.get('version', None) # Get dockerfile name build = self.compose_yaml['services'][self.main_service]['build'] self.dockerfile = self.get_dockerfile(build) dockerfile = open(self.dockerfile, 'r').read() # get stage names self.stages = re.findall(stage_pattern, dockerfile, re.I+re.MULTILINE) # get recipes used recipe_pattern = re.escape(self.recipe_repo) recipe_pattern = rf'^ *from +{recipe_pattern}:([^ \n]+)' = re.findall(recipe_pattern, dockerfile, re.I+re.MULTILINE)
[docs] def get_dockerfile(self, build): if 'context' in build: if 'dockerfile' in build: dockerfile = os.path.join(build['context'], build['dockerfile']) else: dockerfile = os.path.join(build['context'], 'Dockerfile') else: dockerfile = os.path.join(build, 'Dockerfile') # If it's relative, it's relative to the compose file (or project-dir, # not supported) if not os.path.isabs(dockerfile): dockerfile = os.path.join(self.project_dir, dockerfile) return os.path.normpath(dockerfile)
[docs] def cache_image(self, *extra_tags, cache_loc=None): # default cache_location if not cache_loc: cache_loc = self.cache_repo # cache_loc of the form "vsiri/cache:tag_header" if ':' in cache_loc: cache_repo, tag = cache_loc.split(':') cache_tags = [tag] # cache_loc of the form "vsiri/cache" else: cache_repo = cache_loc cache_tags = [self.cache_version, self.main_service] # assemble cache image string cache_tag = '_'.join([t for t in cache_tags + list(extra_tags) if t]) return f'{cache_repo}:{cache_tag}'
# 1 Generate push & pull config _dynamic_docker-compose_push_pull
[docs] def generate_push_pull_config(self, cache_id=0, cache_loc=None): def _service_dict(cache_id=0, cache_loc=None): services = dict() services[f'final_{self.main_service}_{cache_id}'] = {'build': '.', 'image': self.cache_image('final', cache_loc=cache_loc)} for stage in self.stages: services[f'stage_{stage}_{cache_id}'] = {'build': '.', 'image': self.cache_image('stage', stage, cache_loc=cache_loc)} for recipe in services[f'recipe_{recipe}_{cache_id}'] = {'build': '.', 'image': self.cache_image('recipe', recipe, cache_loc=cache_loc)} return services # pull dictionary services = dict() for cache_id, cache_loc in enumerate([self.cache_repo] + self.other_repos): services.update(_service_dict(cache_id, cache_loc)) self.pull_dict = {'services': services} # push dictionary self.push_dict = {'services': _service_dict()}
# 2 pull images
[docs] def pull_images(self): if self.pull: if self.print_push_pull: print('PULL CONFIGURATION:') print(yaml.dump(self.pull_dict)) with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w') as pull_file: pull_file.write(yaml.dump(self.pull_dict)) pull_file.flush() pull_cmd = [self.docker_compose_exe, '-f',, 'pull', '--ignore-pull-failures'] if self.quiet_pull: pull_cmd.append('-q') print("Pulling available images...") try: Popen2(pull_cmd) except AssertionError: print(f"<{' '.join(pull_cmd)}> failed; images may not exist yet")
# 3. _dynamic_docker-compose_restore_recipes
[docs] def write_restore_recipe(self): self.restore_recipe_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w') doc = {} compose_yaml = yaml.safe_load(open(self.recipe_compose, 'r').read()) if self.compose_version is not None: doc['version'] = self.compose_version services = {} for recipe in services[recipe] = {} services[recipe]['build'] = {} services[recipe]['build']['cache_from'] = \ [self.cache_image('recipe', recipe), f'{self.recipe_repo}:{recipe}'] doc['services'] = services self.restore_recipe_file.write(yaml.dump(doc)) self.restore_recipe_file.flush()
# 4 docker-compose build # 5 tag recipes
[docs] def restore_recipes(self): if and Popen2([self.docker_compose_exe, '-f', self.recipe_compose, '-f',, 'build', *]) for recipe in Popen2([self.docker_exe, 'tag', f'{self.recipe_repo}:{recipe}', self.cache_image('recipe', recipe)])
[docs] def add_cache_from(self, cf): image = self.compose_yaml['services'][self.main_service].get('image') if image is not None: cf.append(image) for service in self.other_services: image = self.compose_yaml['services'][service].get('image') if image is not None: cf.append(image) for recipe in cf.append(f'{self.recipe_repo}:{recipe}') for cache_loc in [self.cache_repo] + self.other_repos: cf.append(self.cache_image('final', cache_loc=cache_loc)) for stage_from in self.stages: cf.append(self.cache_image('stage', stage_from, cache_loc=cache_loc)) for recipe in cf.append(self.cache_image('recipe', recipe, cache_loc=cache_loc)) return cf
# 6 _dynamic_docker-compose_add_cache_from
[docs] def write_add_cache(self): self.add_stages_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w') # self.add_stages_cache_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w') for stage in self.stages: stage_service_name = f'{self.main_service}_auto_gen_{stage}' if stage_service_name in self.compose_yaml['services']: raise Exception(f'{stage_service_name} is already a service.') service = copy.deepcopy(self.compose_yaml['services'][self.main_service]) # Set image name (for pushing) service['image'] = self.cache_image('stage', stage) # Set build target if 'build' not in service: service['build'] = {} if 'target' not in service['build']: service['build']['target'] = stage # Setup cache_from service['build']['cache_from'] = \ self.add_cache_from(service['build'].get('cache_from', [])) self.compose_yaml['services'][stage_service_name] = service # Add cache_from for services for service_name in [self.main_service] + self.other_services: if 'build' not in self.compose_yaml['services'][service_name]: self.compose_yaml['services'][service_name]['build'] = {} cf = self.add_cache_from( self.compose_yaml['services'][service_name]['build'].get( 'cache_from', [])) self.compose_yaml['services'][service_name]['build']['cache_from'] = cf self.add_stages_file.write(yaml.dump(self.compose_yaml, Dumper=yaml.Dumper)) self.add_stages_file.flush()
# 7 build
[docs] def build_stages(self): yaml_content = yaml.safe_load(open(, 'r').read()) main_image = self.compose_yaml['services'][self.main_service].get('image') if self.print_build: print('BUILD CONFIGURATION:') print(yaml.dump(yaml_content)) def build_stage(stage_name): build = yaml_content['services'][f'{stage_name}']['build'] image_name = yaml_content['services'][f'{stage_name}']['image'] cmd = [self.docker_exe, 'build'] cmd += ['-f', self.get_dockerfile(build)] if 'target' in build: cmd += ['--target', build['target']] for arg in build.get('args', []): # Already been expanded by config # value = os.path.expandvars(build["args"][arg]) cmd += ['--build-arg', f'{arg}={build["args"][arg]}'] for cache in build.get('cache_from', []): cmd += ['--cache-from', cache] cmd += ['-t', image_name] cmd += [build['context']] Popen2(cmd) if # Build all the stages with names in the Dockerfile for stage in self.stages: build_stage(f'{self.main_service}_auto_gen_{stage}') # Build the main (last) stage here build_stage(self.main_service) for service in self.other_services: cmd = [self.docker_exe, 'tag'] target = yaml_content['services'][service]['build'].get('target', None) if target is None: cmd += [self.cache_image('final')] else: cmd += [self.cache_image('stage', target)] cmd += [yaml_content['services'][service]['image']] Popen2(cmd) Popen2([self.docker_exe, 'tag', main_image, self.cache_image('final')])
# 8 push
[docs] def push_images(self): if self.push: if self.print_push_pull: print('PUSH CONFIGURATION:') print(yaml.dump(self.push_dict)) with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w') as push_file: push_file.write(yaml.dump(self.push_dict)) push_file.flush() Popen2([self.docker_compose_exe, '-f',, 'push'])
[docs] def setup_parser(self): self.parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() aa = self.parser.add_argument aa('--docker-compose-exe', type=str, default='docker-compose', help='Docker compose exectuable') aa('--docker-exe', type=str, default='docker', help='Docker exectuable') aa('--project-dir', type=str, default=None, help='The compose project dir. Default: docker-compose.yml dir') aa('--cache-repo', type=str, default='vsiri/ci_cache', help='Docker repo for storing cache images') aa('--other-repos', type=str, nargs='+', default=[], help='Additional docker repo(s) to check for cache images') aa('--cache-version', type=str, default=None, help='Cache version') aa('--recipe-repo', type=str, default='vsiri/recipe', help='Repo recipes (ONBUILD) images are in') aa('--recipe-compose', type=str, default=os.path.join(env["VSI_COMMON_DIR"], "docker/recipes/docker-compose.yml"), help='Recipe compose file') group = self.parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() group.add_argument('--pull', dest='pull', action='store_true', help='Enable pulling images (default)') group.add_argument('--no-pull', dest='pull', action='store_false', help='Disable pulling images') self.parser.set_defaults(pull=True) group = self.parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() group.add_argument('--build', dest='build', action='store_true', help='Enable building images (default)') group.add_argument('--no-build', dest='build', action='store_false', help='Disable building images') self.parser.set_defaults(build=True) group = self.parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() group.add_argument('--push', dest='push', action='store_true', help='Enable pushing images') group.add_argument('--no-push', dest='push', action='store_false', help='Disable pushing images (default)') self.parser.set_defaults(push=False) aa('--quiet-pull', dest='quiet_pull', action='store_true', default=False, help='Quiet pull (no progress bars)') aa('--print-push-pull', dest='print_push_pull', action='store_true', default=False, help='Print push/pull configuration') aa('--print-build', dest='print_build', action='store_true', default=False, help='Print build configuration') aa('compose', type=str, help='Docker compose yaml file') aa('main_service', type=str, help='Main docker-compose service') aa('services', type=str, nargs='*', help='Additional services to be tagged')
[docs] def parse(self): args = self.parser.parse_args() self.compose = args.compose self.main_service = args.main_service self.other_services = self.cache_repo = args.cache_repo self.other_repos = args.other_repos self.cache_version = args.cache_version self.recipe_repo = args.recipe_repo self.recipe_compose = args.recipe_compose self.docker_compose_exe = args.docker_compose_exe self.docker_exe = args.docker_exe self.push = args.push self.pull = args.pull = self.quiet_pull = args.quiet_pull self.print_push_pull = args.print_push_pull self.print_build = args.print_build if args.project_dir is None: self.project_dir = os.path.dirname(self.compose) else: self.project_dir = args.project_dir self.compose = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(self.compose)) self.project_dir = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(self.project_dir))
if __name__ == '__main__': ci_load = CiLoad() ci_load.setup_parser() ci_load.parse() ci_load.setup() ci_load.generate_push_pull_config() ci_load.pull_images() ci_load.write_restore_recipe() ci_load.restore_recipes() ci_load.write_add_cache() ci_load.build_stages() ci_load.push_images()